
Showing posts from January, 2020

I spy/ Yo espió

Qué es:  Un juego excelente que podéis hacer donde sea: en el restaurante esperando la comida, viajando en el tren o en cualquier lugar. Ayuda a aprender los colores y desarrollar la capacidad de describir objetos en Inglés. Qué necesitas:  N o requiere ningún material. Cómo hacerlo: A. Uno de los niños será e l  Spy  (Espia)  primero. B. El Spy elige un objeto que tiene a la vista, puede ser por ejemplo el coche rojo o el boli verde, depende donde os encontráis (este * video os puede ayudar repasar los colores). C. El Spy solamente puede dar una pista. Hay dos maneras, se puede decir de forma simple o más compleja. Como siempre, eso depende de conocimiento de Inglés de los niños: ⇒ I spy something red  (Espió algo rojo)  ⇒ I spy with my little eye something green and square  (Espió con mi ojito algo verde y cuadrado) D. Para la forma simple, lo más importante es intentar decir una frase corta y aprender los colo...

Propósitos de Año Nuevo

    Yes, we are at the end of January and I am wondering, did you have a chance to get on with your New Year's resolutions yet?  Hmm... It is easy to make promises to ourselves, as a part of every year tradition. New Year, new start, new opportunity to do something better.  But what does it mean without accomplishment? Without being persistent in trying?    Did you put too many goals on your list to be achieved and you realized that you cannot handle all of them? As there is always something that interrupts, something that makes us postpone it for later, a bit later.. After the Summer. Well. For the Next Year...    Or yes, you started strongly, well-motivated, "this year We can do it!" , but... Only for the first two weeks. It is so easy to forget and nobody is speaking about this anymore. Kids seem to be very busy with all the extra classes that they have already. And learning English either for you either for your children got to be moved to...

My house, my home/ Mi casa, mi hogar

Qué es: Una de las mejores actividades para aprender mucho vocabulario y frases relacionadas con la casa y las situaciones diarias . Es un ejercicio de memorización, dónde todos los miembros de la familia aprenden nuevas palabras  de forma natural y progresiva.  Qué necesitas:   Posits de colores, un bolígrafo. Mira nuestro video ⇑ Cómo hacerlo: A. Para empezar, lo mejor es familiarizarse con el vocabulario general de la casa, diferenciar entre casa/hogar HOUSE/HOME y casa/piso HOUSE/FLAT para especificar dónde vivís. B. Para pronunciar y visualizar os recomiendo uno de los muchos * videos en YouTube. C. En Internet encontraréis muchos posters y dibujos, que os ayudarán (especialmente a los más pequeños que no saben leer) a identificar mejor los diferentes espacios de su casa, como por ejemplo: ⇒ ¿Donde está KITCHEN ? Preguntas y   lo señalas para que lo busquen. D. Vosotros elegís el vocabulario que tiene más importancia o el que tod...

¿Dónde, cuándo y cómo podéis practicar Inglés?

   Everywhere, at any time and in any manner!  Be creative, flexible with ideas and search for alternatives!  *Read more in:  Enlaces útiles para practicar el Inglés 'gratis'     I would like to present some ideas ( as still more to come ), where, when and how you can practice English with your family. For specific ones, I prepare separate publications with more details, as they may need a broader description or deeper explanation . I guarantee that your children will find more interest in learning, with  'no bitter bond to learn '.  Having fun, enjoying, and amusingly feeding their entertainment soul.   FREE YOUR IMAGINATION!    

¿Cómo introducir Inglés en casa?

   Everything is in your hands and you decide how you want it to be managed. You decide the time you can dedicate or tools you would like to use. Even just by narrating everyday situations in simple English, it is a very good way to improve your English too!                                                      I prepared for you ⇓ 20 options ⇓ by now, at least one has to work for your family,  with no excuses ... Share with your kids what you already know, this is the best gift: the knowledge. Even if you do not know enough English, let them help you, let them feel important. Learn from each other, learn on mistakes, look for answers together. Create simple phrases, question-answer that you use a lot daily. It does not have to start with a conversation, adjust English to their skills, for example: "Wake up! Dinner...

?Por que Homemade English y que necesitarás?

   What I mean by Homemade English or in other words: English made at home?     Actually, everything that would pop to your mind, when you hear a word  Home : a  comfortable atmosphere, stressless environment, being together with your family and doing all kinds of things together. Where you sleep, eat, cry and laugh... This is how learning English supposed to look like, learning naturally.  Making foundations for English at the comfort of your own home, where you belong, you live, share and care and have real situations to practice English and to make it impossible to forget.  *Read more in: ¿Cómo introducir Inglés en casa?    We know about homemade pastries, homemade clothes, homemade cosmetics... Also, we know that homemade is better, healthier, more interesting. English can be too!!!    What do you need? A full bag of positive attitude, patient, consistency, and determination . The decision, that you ...

¿Por qué he creado este sitio?

   Why not!  Who does not want to speak better English? Who does not want to be able to help their children improving THEIR English?     As all we know already, English is now considered to be a global language, obligatory must know not only for your children, their education and professional life, also for you as a parent... In many workplaces having a fluent level of English is considered more valuable than any degree . Speaking of facts, we got to the stage when knowing more than one foreign language is quite common . In some other countries, I mean, because I see Spain is still struggling with this subject, where unfortunately we are surrendered by Spanglish names, dubbed movies, or where we may not feel confident enough to speak with our kids in English- but every , even little knowledge counts! Basing on my own experience I want it easier for our children, to have future without all these fusses that we had to go through when it comes to l...